Saturday, March 17, 2012

I hope you all enjoyed the fantastic spring weather this weekend. I am hoping that this weather will continue. It will allow us to spend more time outdoors during the school week as well.

Last week was packed with exciting activities. The children and I had fun learning all about leprechauns, shamrocks, clovers, and rainbows. We worked as a class to build and decorate a trap for the leprechauns. We were hoping to catch one or two so that we could learn more about these mischievous little friends. Our trap was terrific, but we were not able to catch any leprechauns. They did, however, leave us some footprints, gold dust, and shamrock cookies! You can just imagine our excitement!

This week we will spend some time adding two more words to our word wall. We will also continue growing as readers and writers during our Daily Five literacy work stations. This is a great time for us to work independently and with partners at our many different reading and writing levels each day. I am very proud of the progress we are making.

During math we have been working on using pictures and hands on activities to help us write addition number sentences. We will continue to practice addition, but will also work on subtracting numbers as well.

During science we will wrap up our mini unit on nutrition and keeping our bodies strong and healthy. We will begin another science unit on exploring the properties of solids, liquids, and gases. During this unit we will conduct various experiments that will help us to record information and think like scientists!

Tuesday: 11:45 dismissal due to Parent Teacher conferences
Wednesday: Gently Used Book Sale~ Please send in money in an envelope labeled with your child's name. The children will be able to purchase books for very little money on this day.

We are looking forward to another great week in our kindergarten classroom.
Mrs. Eileen Browne :)

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Dental Health, Nutrition, Dr. Seuss & More!

Welcome to another fun week of kindergarten! Last week we were very busy reading books about Dr. Seuss and dental health. We conducted two fun experiments. The first experiment was based on dental health. We placed hard boiled eggs into cups of iced tea, soda, diet soda, and water for the week. We observed the eggs throughout the week and watched three of the eggs turn brown. On Friday we took the eggs out of the containers and practiced brushing with toothpaste. We made a bit of progress cleaning the eggs, but overall they remained an ugly brown color. We talked quite a bit about taking good care of our teeth to keep them strong, healthy, and beautiful! We have also been busy trying to guess the beautiful smiling pictures in our classroom. I have folded pictures so that only the smiles of each one of the children are showing in our classroom. This has been a fun activity.

The second experiment that we worked on was based on Dr. Seuss' book Bartholomew and the Oobleck. The children loved this book. After reading, we made two big bowls of green oobleck in our classroom and had lots of fun dipping our hands in the gooey green oobleck! We talked about how it felt both like a liquid and a solid. We will experiment more with oobleck this week. You can even make some at home by using corn starch, water, and green food coloring! Use more water to make it more liquid and less water to make it more solid. It's messy, but quite fun. :)

This week we will begin reading books about nutrition and healthy eating habits. We will also learn about rainbows and shamrocks. We are really enjoying sharing the rainbow projects that have come in so far. Please send in your March Family Rainbow Project if you have not already done so. Also, wear green on Friday. We will talk a bit about St. Patrick's Day and all things green!

During math we will continue working on number sentences as we add and subtract numbers using pictures and manipulatives. The children have been doing a terrific job during our recent math activities. I have been sending home some of the papers that support the hands on activities that we have been working on each day during math.

As always, please contact me with any questions or concerns. Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Eileen Browne

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Read Across America

I hope you all had a terrific weekend and were able to spend some time outdoors on Saturday. My family and I enjoyed some time simply walking through our neighborhood in the fresh air~ what a treat!

We are getting ready for another busy and fun week in our kindergarten classroom. This week we will continue participating in Read Across America activities at our school:
Monday: We will read some Dr. Seuss books throughout the day.
Tuesday: Wear green to school. We will read Green Eggs and Ham
Wednesday: Wear crazy socks to school. We will read Fox in Sox.
Thursday: Wear red and blue to school. We will read One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.
Thursday, 6:30 - 7:30~ Eagle Elementary Read In Event!

This week we will also be wrapping up our Dental Health unit by conducting a fun experiment with hard boiled eggs, different kinds of drinks, and toothpaste. Be sure to ask your child all about it!

Math: We have been working hard on counting and reading numbers 1-100. We have also been practicing skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s. Counting by 2s and 5s can be tricky! Practice these skills at home too. This week we will begin focusing on reading and writing addition number sentences.

Daily Five/Literacy/Word Wall: We now have 30 heart words on our Word Wall. These words are helping us to become stronger readers. We are finding these words in our books, on our charts, on our school walls, and many other places. Your child should be finding these words at home too! This week I am spending a lot of time reading with individual children. It is so much fun for me to listen to and talk with the children about the great progress they are making as readers. Keep up the great work!

Report Card Conferences: This spring there will be only two days for report cards conferences. All kindergarten report cards will be uploaded to BC@HOME by March 28th. Please check your child's folder for a letter regarding spring report cards.

Thank you for your continued support.
Mrs. Eileen Browne :)