Saturday, October 1, 2011

Welcome October

We are getting ready for another busy week of kindergarten learning! We plan on wrapping up our unit on apples this Tuesday. We have been reading many great fiction and nonfiction books about apples. We also worked on some fun projects that included tearing paper, finger painting, and actually tasting different kinds of apples. After using our sense of taste, we created a graph and discovered that most of the children in our class liked yellow apples the best! My prediction was wrong. I secretly guessed that the red apples would be the favorite. From our class discussion I learned that the yellow apples tasted the sweetest and, as a result, came in as the favorite choice. We have had so much fun during this unit that I'm sad to see it end. This week we will, however, use real apples to help us create patterns during math. We will continue to learn about identifying and creating different patterns that repeat and grow. We will use shapes, colors, and objects to work on this skill each day. We will also continue to work on our Handwriting Without Tears program. So far we learned about Mat Man and the different shapes used to create letters. We have been sorting our letters and discovering that some letters use only straight lines, some letters use only curves, and some letters use both. We will begin printing our letters this week. We will also continue to learn about different letter sounds this week. Thank you to our Letter Experts in helping us to learn our silly songs and sounds. Be sure to ask your child all about it. One last important item~ This month we will begin family projects. Each month your child will come with a fun family project to work on. The goal is for you to work with your child on a topic that we are learning about in the classroom. It is a terrific way to connect home, school, and learning. Once completed, the children will bring in their projects to share and display. This month the theme will be all about pumpkins! Please be sure to check your child's folder for more information. As always, call or email me with any questions or concerns. I'm looking forward to a great month of learning.
Mrs. Eileen Browne

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