Thursday, October 3, 2013

Welcome October!

We have been very busy in our kindergarten classroom! This past week we used real apples to paint, to taste, and to create graphs.    During our taste test we learned that our class liked red and green apples the most.  Some of our friends liked the yellow apples the best.  We also learned that we ALL love eating fresh apples!  We also made homemade applesauce in our classroom. We have had so much fun learning all about apples.  Be sure to check your child's folder and backpack for the wonderful projects they created during this unit!

Next week we will celebrate Farm to You Fest. Children may bring in fresh produce for daily donations throughout the week to help 'squash hunger' with healthy choices. In our kindergarten classroom we will be talking about eating fresh produce from local farms. Please check Eagle's homepage and our district website for more information.  This is a great week to focus on healthy snacks! 

During literacy we will learn about three more letters.  Our 'letter experts' will help us learn about proper letter formation and the sounds these letters make. Be sure to check your child's folder!
So far we have learned about the letters Aa, Ss, Mm, Dd, Ff, Bb, Nn, & Jj.  Please practice identifying these letters and their sounds at home too.

We will also begin learning about what reading looks and sounds like in our kindergarten classroom.  For example, as readers... we must take care of our books and respect other readers in the classroom ~ even when it's hard! We are learning that there are three main ways to read a book.  Readers can read the pictures, read the words, and retell stories. We are also practicing writing activities and working with letters each day.

During math, we are continuing to work on identifying numbers and counting in many different ways. We are still working on our counting books. We have discovered that the pages take longer to complete as the numbers get bigger! It is also easier to make mistakes with bigger numbers. Our books are looking great and we can't wait to share them with you when they are completed.  We are also learning to compare numbers and to use the words:  greater, more, bigger, fewer, small, & less.

During science, we are learning about our Five Senses.  We can use our eyes for seeing, our mouths for tasting, our hands for touching, our ears for hearing, and our noses for smelling. Sometimes we only use one sense to learn about an object in our world.  Sometimes we use two, three, four, or even all five at the same time.  We will continue exploring our five senses throughout kindergarten, but especially during the fall!  We will use our five senses this week to go on a leaf hunt.  Look for beautiful leaves at home too.  If you find any that you would like to share, please press them overnight and send them in the next day.

Thank you for your support.  We are having so much fun in our kindergarten classroom each day. :)

Eileen Browne

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