Sunday, December 18, 2011

Gingerbread Week!

I hope you had a fantastic weekend. We are gearing up for a fun and exciting week in our kindergarten room. This week we will continue to work on our reading, writing, and math skills each day. We will also be comparing and contrasting many different gingerbread stories as we incorporate this theme into our daily activities. There are so many different fun versions of this familiar story. We are learning that the 'big idea' is the same, but sometimes the characters, the illustrations, and the endings can be different. We love the repetitive words and often join in during read aloud time each day! Try reading some of these stories at home too! We have added two new heart words to our Word Wall: run & see. We thought these were perfect words since we are finding both of these words in our gingerbread stories.

Reminders: Please join us on Thursday, December 22nd at 2:15 to help us decorate our very own gingerbread houses. You may also read some of our stories with your child and take the gingerbread houses home on this day. Thank you so much for helping with the supplies for this fun and messy project! :) Also, we will have a small festive pm snack on Friday, December 23rd during our usual snack time. If you signed up to send in a treat, please drop it off in the main office before 11:30. Thank you for your support during this very busy time of the year.
Mrs. Eileen Browne

Friday, December 9, 2011

Teddy Bear Week!

Our bears survived Teddy Bear Week! We had so much fun learning and sharing our many different stories and activities with our cuddly friends this week. During math, we sorted our bears by color, by size, and by clothes. We also lined up our bears from tallest to smallest and practiced counting in many different ways. During reading, we read stories all about bears. We read both fiction and nonfiction stories to our teddy bears. Some of our favorites were Brown Bear, Brown Bear; Corduroy; We're Going on a Bear Hunt; and the Bear Snores On series. We also taught our bears about our word wall and the twelve heart words that we are learning to read. Our bears helped us to sing some of our letter songs each day too. We ended our bear week with a snack especially for bears...honey combs, goldfish, and teddy grahams. Boy were they hungry today! I'm sure your bears will be very tired from their busy and fun week. They will definitely need a hot bath in the washing machine and some rest!

Have a terrific weekend!

Mrs. Eileen Browne :)