Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Welcome December!

I hope you all enjoyed your Thanksgiving weekend and are ready for December! This is a busy month filled with report card conferences, collections for the Bethlehem Holiday Food Drive, a December Family Project, Gingerbread Fun, and our classroom holiday party. Please check the side of this blog for important dates to mark on your calendar and feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns. I will update our classroom blog during the weekend, but wanted to post our December dates. Please check back soon!:)
Mrs. Eileen Browne

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all enjoyed the beautiful weekend and are ready for a short week of kindergarten learning.

This week we will continue working on adding heart words (go & and) to our Word Wall and learning about two more letters (Qq and Yy) and their sounds. Our Word Wall Work is helping us as readers and as writers each day!

We will also spend time learning about the first Thanksgiving, Pilgrims, Native Americans, the Mayflower, Squanto, turkeys, and much more! On Wednesday we will celebrate Thanksgiving during snack time with a special friendship salad. Thank you for helping with this activity by sending in fruit on Tuesday. I'm sure we'll have a terrific Kindergarten Thanksgiving.

In addition to our many activities, I am looking forward to meeting with parents to discuss your child's progress in our classroom. Report cards will be uploaded to BC@Home the day prior to your child's conference date. Please contact me with any questions or concerns.

I'm looking forward to another great week and wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving with your families.

Mrs. Eileen Browne :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

American Education Week!

Welcome to American Education Week! You are invited to visit our kindergarten classroom on Tuesday, November 15th at 11:00. We will be working on an activity to go along with our Thanksgiving unit. You are also invited to go to the Book Fair with your child at 11:40. Our recess time is at 12:00 and our lunch time is at 12:25. Please feel free to come to any of these activities on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you!

PTO Silent Auction Fundraiser~ Our kindergarten class has teamed up with Mrs. Bogus' kindergarten class to create a basket filled with new small toys for the Silent Auction. Please see Eagle's homepage for more specific information in order to help out with this terrific fundraiser.

Report Card Conferences~ Most days and times are set for our upcoming conferences. Please return the conference form confirmations or send me a note/email if you are unsure of your time. Thank you!

Reading/Writing~ We will work on the letters sounds V, G, U, and X this week! We will also add two more words to our Word Wall. So far our Word Wall has the words a, I, the, & is. The children have been so excited to learn the new letter songs along with our heart words. They are 'spotting' these letters and words everywhere! In writing we are working hard on labeling pictures, adding words to complete sentences, and trying our best to write the sounds that we hear. I'm so proud of the children and their recent efforts to write each day!

Social Studies~ We will begin learning about families and Thanksgiving as part of our social studies unit. This is such a fun time of the year and I'm looking forward to the many different activities that we will work on together. We will be sure to send the projects home before Thanksgiving so that your family can enjoy them as well.

As you can see, we will have another busy week in our kindergarten classroom. Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Eileen Browne

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Welcome November!

I hope you are all enjoying this beautiful fall weather as we begin the month of November. We are getting ready for a fun and busy time of the school year. Below are some highlights.

Reading: We have been working hard on practicing some of the components of our Daily Five literacy activities. The children have been doing a great job reading to self and reading to someone. This week we will add listening to stories~ on tape, cd, and the computers. I am so proud of the children and their efforts during our literacy block each day.

Letters and Sounds: Thank you to our 'Letter Experts' last week for helping us learn all about the letters Ww, Zz, and Kk. This week is a short one. We will learn about the letters Ee and Vv. We have been singing our letter songs and working on our ABC books each day.

Handwriting: Last week we finished our unit on Jump Frog Letters. We will continue working on learning about uppercase letters with straight lines. During our handwriting time we have been practicing sitting up straight, correct pencil grips, and simply trying our best each day. We are also learning how to print our first names conventionally. The children have grown so much since September in their willingness to write. This is helping them to begin writing in their journals, labeling pictures, and creating books as well!

Math: We are learning all about counting and writing our numbers throughout the day. We are using manipulatives, playing games, reading counting stories, creating graphs, counting with our voices, and much much more! Sometimes we use paper and pencil for extra reinforcement, but we are often using hands on learning during math.

Homework~ Thank you for working on your family turkey projects. I hope that you are having as much fun creating them as we are having sharing them! This week I ask that you dig up a family photo to send into our classroom. We will be talking about our families throughout the next two weeks as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving.

American Education Week~ You are welcome to visit our kindergarten classroom on Tuesday, November 15th at 11:00. Kindly let me know how many people will be visiting in order to help me plan accordingly.

Book Fair~ The Scholastic Book Fair will be held at Eagle during American Education Week (November 14th - November 18th) Please contact the PTO if you are able to volunteer some time help out with this event.

Parent Teacher Conferences~ I am in the process of confirming conference times. Please return the note that was recently sent home. I will do my best to honor your dates and times.

Thank you for your ongoing support. I'm looking forward to another great week of kindergarten learning!

Mrs. Eileen Browne :)