Sunday, November 13, 2011

American Education Week!

Welcome to American Education Week! You are invited to visit our kindergarten classroom on Tuesday, November 15th at 11:00. We will be working on an activity to go along with our Thanksgiving unit. You are also invited to go to the Book Fair with your child at 11:40. Our recess time is at 12:00 and our lunch time is at 12:25. Please feel free to come to any of these activities on Tuesday. I look forward to seeing you!

PTO Silent Auction Fundraiser~ Our kindergarten class has teamed up with Mrs. Bogus' kindergarten class to create a basket filled with new small toys for the Silent Auction. Please see Eagle's homepage for more specific information in order to help out with this terrific fundraiser.

Report Card Conferences~ Most days and times are set for our upcoming conferences. Please return the conference form confirmations or send me a note/email if you are unsure of your time. Thank you!

Reading/Writing~ We will work on the letters sounds V, G, U, and X this week! We will also add two more words to our Word Wall. So far our Word Wall has the words a, I, the, & is. The children have been so excited to learn the new letter songs along with our heart words. They are 'spotting' these letters and words everywhere! In writing we are working hard on labeling pictures, adding words to complete sentences, and trying our best to write the sounds that we hear. I'm so proud of the children and their recent efforts to write each day!

Social Studies~ We will begin learning about families and Thanksgiving as part of our social studies unit. This is such a fun time of the year and I'm looking forward to the many different activities that we will work on together. We will be sure to send the projects home before Thanksgiving so that your family can enjoy them as well.

As you can see, we will have another busy week in our kindergarten classroom. Thank you for your support!

Mrs. Eileen Browne

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