Sunday, May 26, 2013

I hope you all had a terrific Memorial Day weekend and were able to squeeze in some quality time with family and friends.  If possible, please have your child wear red, white, & blue to school on Tuesday.  We will have a school assembly in honor of Memorial Day and thought it would be fun wear these colors.

Though it is getting closer to the end of the school year, we are continuing our learning in our kindergarten classroom each day.  We are working hard as readers, writers, mathematicians, and scientists.  We are practicing all of the skills that we have learned this year as we prepare to get ready for First Grade!

This week, we will wrap up our unit on Rain Forest animals.  We have read many interesting books and have created some fun projects.  Many of the children liked learning about the tree frogs and jaguars.  I actually liked learning about the sloth.  They will tell you all about it if you ask! :)  We will soon begin another fun unit on Ocean Creatures as we get closer to summer.

During math we will begin a unit on measurement. We will practice measuring various objects using standard and nonstandard tools.  We will also compare different objects and use mathematical vocabulary when doing this.

As writers, we are working in our journals and are very busy writing cards, letters, poems, and stories each day.  Your children have grown so much as writers this year!  I am so proud of them in this  area. We all love to write each and every day in our classroom. 

As readers, we are continuing to build our sight vocabulary and our comprehension skills.  Throughout the remainder of the year we will work on our Daily Five activities while I read closely with small groups and individual students each day.

Kindergarten Graduation:  Thank you for signing up with Krista (Tucker's mom) to bring in treats on this day.  Our celebration will begin at 9:45 and take place inside the school cafeteria.  The children will sing some songs and we will then have a small treat to celebrate our year.  Our celebration will end by 10:30.  From the responses I have received so far, it seems as if about half of the class will be leaving after the graduation celebration and about half will be staying for the remainder of the school day.  Please let me know if your plans have changed or if you have not yet responded.  It helps me to preset the children on the morning of the graduation.

Thank you so much for all that you do to help your children love learning!

Mrs. Eileen Browne

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